Saturday, October 26, 2013

There's This New Facebook Serial Called "The Loves of Zock Hardy" and It's Totally Amazing

by Tyler Excitable
Zock Hardy Recaps Staff

A couple of weeks ago I was looking at my Facebook news feed, and I was like, "Whatever."

Then I saw that someone was writing a romance novel in installments, and I was like, "Dude, do you really want to go there?"

But I started reading it, and it turns out that it is literally the most bizarre, heartbreaking, thrilling, incredibly totally amazing thing that has ever existed in the whole world, and I am literally feeling all the feelings.

The story is about this guy named Zock Hardy (duh!) who is totally hot and rich and runs a ranch and everything. But his wife, Bella, died in a thresher and he was like, "Oh, no!" 

I don't want to give away the whole plot in this first recap, because most of you probably haven't starting reading yet, but he meets this totally hot lady named April in a way that's so amazeballs and batcrap crazy. They are completely into each other but Zock is all like, "I don't know what to do!"

You guys there's also a mean businessman who's all obsessed with pickles, a crazy guy on drugs, and a talking fish! What?! So weird! 

I can't wait for the next insane installment!